How do we choose a career? 85 participants in a long-term study show how one’s career is mirrored in the natal chart and Amy’s career survey gives new perspectives, with insights by Dr. Oskar Adler, the Gauquelin Sectors, Part of Fortune, Asteroids, Chiron, Ceres and Eris – an excellent tool for Astrologers and Career Counselors.
Eris outwits foes on unlevel playing fields to champion a cause. This covers Eris’ in the houses, aspects, A-B-C’s of Eris patterns plus famous examples. Amy calls Eris a Provocateur due to Eris’ legendary golden apple exposing huge egos. This book makes Eris a guest of honor at the astrological party!
by Dr. Oskar Adler in 7 Volumes is praised by Kepler College of Astrology, International Academy of Astrology and the American Federation of Astrologers; (translated by Zendka Orenstein, edited by Amy Shapiro, who owns the English rights)
VOL. 1: GENERAL FOUNDATION OF ASTROLOGY ~ The basics of Esoteric Astrology
VOL. 2: ZODIAC AND MAN ~ Illuminating Zodiacal potentials for individuals
VOL. 3: THE WORLD OF THE PLANETS AND MAN ~ Interpreting Planets in signs
VOL. 4: MAN AND EARTH ~ Rising Signs, Planets in Houses, Fate and Destiny
VOL. 5: MAN IN THE CONCERT OF THE STARS ~ 100’s of planet-pair interpretations.
VOL. 6: MOVEMENT OF STARS IN THE COURSE OF LIFE ~ Transits and Progressions
VOL. 7: WORK ON ONE’S OWN HOROSCOPE ~ How to exalt your chart for a personal transformation, plus Amy Shapiro’s Curriculum Guide for students and teachers
This story of Dorothy Amdur, champion of women’s rights, is by her daughter Amy Shapiro. It draws on Dorothy’s papers, “Now Is The Time” sculpture, Amy’s research and memories. Voices from the 1970s remind us that women deserve control over their bodies, minds, and lives. Women may find healing and empowerment in it, and men who want healthy relationships will be empowered, too! The author declares a new Fifth Wave in the women’s movement.