DR. OSKAR ADLER: A COMPLETE MAN, by Amy Shapiro. This biography brings Dr. Adler to life through memoirs, interviews, and letters that reveal his musical, spiritual and cultural influence in pre-WW2 Vienna, and London as an intellectual refugee, and his ties to Arnold Schoenberg Albert Einstein and others. Adler also makes a powerful case for the logic of reincarnation.
NEVER MIND ~ by Isabel Hickey, Jay Hickey and Amy Shapiro is full of stories of hope and spirituality. Excerpts: “We do not come unbound into this livingness but we can go unbound out of it if we overcome the pull of matter and clear up what needs clearing.” … “The horoscope shows the place and grade we are in at this moment; where we go or if we go further is up to us.”
IT IS ALL RIGHT, by Isabel Hickey, brings the wisdom of Eastern mysticism to Western culture as a spiritual guide to align with your Higher Self, transmute negativity, gain inner peace, the power of visualization and much more. Isabel was called Boston’s spiritual sparkplug for her work as a healer, astrologer, counselor and teacher of meditation. First published in 1976 in hardcover, it has remained highly sought, and finally now in an easily accessible online edition.
“To live in the now is only possible through the inner rhythm of time through synthesizing the perfect contradiction of unreal and real, the gnostic expression of which is becoming. Our living self is thus captured in its innermost core through the art of music, as the art of pure becoming, thus the art of being utterly alive.” With Translator Michaela Meiser, of astro-polarity.at (see vimeo.com/479594715), Amy has published a Bilingual Edition (Eng/German): Die Kritik Der Reinen Musik too.
This story of Dorothy Amdur, champion of women’s rights, is by her daughter Amy Shapiro. It draws on Dorothy’s papers, “Now Is The Time” sculpture, Amy’s research and memories. Voices from the 1970s remind us that women deserve control over their bodies, minds, and lives. Women may find healing and empowerment in it, and men who want healthy relationships will be empowered, too! The author declares a new Fifth Wave in the women’s movement.